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Feng Shui
Do you want greater Health, Wealth & Happiness, along with a more
beautiful home or functional office? When we align our environments
according to the natural laws, we also benefit from their perfection.
Our homes and offices either support our full potential, create limiting
blocks, or keep us from moving either way.
As long ago as the need for shelter, man has been at the positive or
negative effect of his surrounding space.
Universal Feng Shui: The Roots of our Nature

Some Tips to get started from JamiLin's web site:
Always position your bed, desk, and stove to have a clear view
of the door.
The principal and upper executives offices should be located
in the command areas of the office, while giving employees and clients
accessibility. Everyone will benefit because the entire office will
feel as if it is one body, the sum of all the functions harmoniously
working toward the main objective.
Bathroom doors should be kept shut, with toilet seats down, to
prevent Chi, opportunity, wealth, and happiness from being flushed.
Never sleep with a beam over your bed or put a shelf over it or
your desk. Your world could fall down on you at any moment.
Throw out dead flowers or plants.
Avoid sharp pointed buildings, wall corners, furniture or accessories
pointed directly at your house, bed or desk. It is reminiscent of
a cutting knife-edge or a disapproving finger.
Jami Lin's Feng Shui Website is full of wonderful insights into the
world of Feng Shui. With Articles, Feng Shui advice and products, you
will enjoy your visit. Click
for Karen Mills Gallery of original watercolor paintings on rice-paper.