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Colour - Although there are volumes
written on the subject of color theory. Your choices when it comes to
picking out a color scheme for a room in your house may seem rather daunting.
The following is one simple method for creating a room with that "pulled
together" look.
Click here
Feng Shui -
Discover how to apply the most valuable Masters Secrets to Create the
Life your Want and Deserve.
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5 Decorating Tips to Refresh Your Home & Lift Your Spirits
Do you answer yes to any of these decorating questions?!
Do you wish your space was more functional?
Has your furniture been in the same location longer then you can
Do you want something different but dont know where to start?
Do you love your things, but something just doesn't feel right?
Do you think getting a new look requires getting a new sofa?
Do you wish your house felt more like your home?
If you have answered yes to even one of these questions, you are
not alone. Most homeowners will agree there is at least one room
in their house that needs a spacelift. Consider calling
Decorating Solutions 905-984-6955.
- Here are some tips to refresh your home and lift your spirits:
Dont be afraid to introduce colour on the walls of a room.
Choosing the right shade is important if the room is to reflect
the mood you want to create.
- To create a cozy atmosphere,
install dimmer switches to overhead lighting. The softer light
is less harsh on the eyes and will instantly change the Operating
Room atmosphere into a warm, inviting one.
- Include the sense of touch throughout your home. A Chenille
throw makes you want to curl up with a good book and pass the
day away. The sparkle of crystal vases with natural or silk greenery
in a room will enhance and soften the space.
- Smell is one of the most primitive of senses; it evokes childhood
memories, happy times and loved ones...use vanilla and lavender
fragrance in your favourite rooms to lift your spirits. One whiff
and you are transported back to a happier time.
- Consider hanging small wind chimes just outside a window or
on a table top. Or add a small fountain to your space. (not a
bedroom) These can have a soothing, ethereal effect on our spirits,
bringing us into a more serene state of mind.
By Christine Rae